Prayer for Ukraine

Caritas Poltava held a prayer for the Year of Invincibility: February 24 is the anniversary of the full-scale invasion, during which Ukrainians demonstrated their courage, dignity and invincibility to the whole world. The prayer was read by Father Volodymyr Rakovetskyi, director of the charitable foundation.

For 365 days now, Ukrainian military and civilians have been standing side by side against the Russian aggressor and standing in defense of independence, statehood and national identity.

During this time, our faith grew stronger. Strengthened our spirit. We survived the first day of a full-scale war. We didn’t know what tomorrow would bring, but we definitely understood: we have to fight for every tomorrow!

We thank the international partners who supported us with the humanitarian aid that started arriving in our region from the first days of the war.

We thank everyone for their support and assistance, we thank every resident of the region for their steadfastness, strength, and unwavering faith in our victory.

We honor the dead who gave the most precious thing – their lives for our freedom.

We thank God. We thank the Armed Forces of Ukraine. We are convinced that victory is ours!

We pray, work and win!