Film therapy for IDP children

Film therapy was held in the Caritas Poltava Children’s Center as part of the “Child Friendly Space” project. Teachers organized a trip to the cinema for a group of IDP children aged 5-6 and 7-9.

Study together, rest together! The “Child Friendly Space” project is always a celebration, because thanks to it, children have the opportunity to spend their time in a fun and useful way and grow in the best conditions.

Of all the types of therapy that are given, the most gentle therapy is cinema. This means of personal development is available to everyone. This is a method that allows you to safely (without consequences) accumulate practical experience in solving your problems.

In the children’s center, our teachers use various techniques to improve the psycho-emotional state of children. Watching a movie is also one of the types of psychological rehabilitation, which contributes to the accumulation of positive emotions.

The age category of 5-10 years is the largest in our area, so the teachers decided to organize a trip to the cinema for them. We took popcorn and went to the cinema.

It was extremely pleasant to see their delight and sincere smiles from attending the movie screening. We hope that we will be able to give them even more joyful emotions and impressions, because there is still more to come!

Caritas is for children, Caritas is love!