“Education cannot wait”. The work of a psychologist

With the help of the “Education Can’t Wait” project, the potential of psychologists in 8 territorial communities of the Poltava region was increased and psychosocial support was provided to 2,000 people (including students, parents, guardians and teachers). Individual and group classes with a psychologist continue at Caritas Poltava.

To the usual question “how are you?” the majority answers “that’s normal”, “everything is ok”, “good”. But what is “normal”, “ok” if even adults often cannot describe their condition. What then to say about the children who were forced to hide in basements, flee from war and hear explosions.

It is very important to understand your emotional state. This is exactly what the children from the project “Education cannot wait” learned with psychologist Tatyana.

There are no good or bad emotions. Because every emotion has its function and is important. Accepting, experiencing, and understanding your thoughts and emotions (especially “negative” ones) (as opposed to trying to ignore, suppress, avoid, judge, or change them.

Photo by Caritas Poltava

Everything was interesting, rich and informative.