Caritas Poltava has opened children’s football section

War should not take away childhood! As part of the “Children and War” project, Caritas Poltava has launched a football section for children aged 6-9 and 10-13.

Caritas Poltava opened a football section for IDP children. Trainings are held free of charge. Training takes place 4 times a week and lasts from 1 to 2 hours as part of the “Children and War” project.

Currently, groups of children have already been formed and some are already starting to learn football for themselves from the beginning, while others continue to develop the skills acquired at home before the war.

Photo by Caritas Poltava

Smaller athletes are not warmed up much, they are trained in a game way so that they do not lose interest in football and are encouraged with generous rewards for performing exercises. An easy run to stretch the muscles, passing challenges and a theoretical part, where the coach talks about all aspects and subtleties of the sports game.

In the older group, the class is conducted a little differently – a full-fledged warm-up, coordination and technique exercises: practice goals, passes, turns, holding the ball. At the end, they play football to see the progress, the behavior of the opponents and feel the excitement.

The coach is convinced that if the child does not miss classes, practices regularly and has talent, then he has every chance of further training in specialized football clubs.

Little football players are watched by parents who come to support all the achievements of their children. They say that both they and the children are satisfied with the classes. They have only positive impressions from training.

The groups have become friends with each other, both girls and boys play here, there are no disagreements. Everyone tries to help each other in learning new skills.

See how our children train in our video:

Video by Caritas Poltava

We make children happy – new acquaintances, new challenges, competitions and, most importantly, support for a sports and healthy lifestyle.

Caritas is love! Caritas for children!