Art therapy

On the eve of March 8, Caritas Poltava held several master classes for children who were forced to move to our city from war-torn areas of Ukraine. Art therapy classes were held for them in the children’s center.

The event was conducted by teachers of Caritas Poltava for senior and junior groups. In less than an hour, everyone had a card for International Women’s Day in their hands. As the children themselves noted, this is a wonderful greeting for their mothers.

The older group made flowers and small bouquets. Art therapy in all its manifestations is an effective method of psycho-emotional recovery for both children and adults.

Working with paints, pencils, plasticine, acrylic allows children to sublimate all fears and overcome stress.

Also, art therapy is an excellent method of self-discovery, which helps to look inside oneself through creativity, reveal inner strengths, increase self-esteem and ecologically process many different requests. Therefore, this course is useful for different age groups.

Photo by Caritas Poltava

This project was created thanks to a grant received from the Program “Support to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)” in Ukraine within the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Commonwealth of Nations and Development of Great Britain Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. The program is implemented by Crown Agents in partnership with International Alert, Optima Group and in cooperation with Crown Agents in Ukraine.